
The Upwising Begins

The Upwising Begins

It’s easy to get lost in the complexity of our fast paced lives. In response to Shift in Action members’ requests, we’ve created a very simple solution for delivering important kernels of wisdom, wrapped in beautiful music and sound – a minute of higher awareness in the midst of your busy day. We hope these nuggets of inspiration help to expand your mind, open your heart and shift your daily life!

The Housing Bubble

The Housing Bubble

Dean Baker, Executive Director of The Center for Economic and Policy Research talks about the housing bubble, why it's a really big deal and why its collapse will have huge consequences. The run-up in house prices has created $8 trillion in housing bubble wealth – wealth that could disappear if house prices return to trend level – that’s a loss averaging more than $100,000 for every homeowner in the U.S.

Bush's Backfire

Bush's Backfire

The famously funny Jim Hightower gives us a real look at the Bush success in Iraq. Considering the dark nature of the facts, this is quite entertaining.



Is the force real? Are we all truly connected? Find out by watching PSI WARS.

Sports Brandalism

Sports Brandalism

Jim Hightower goes to bat defending the corporate branding takeover of your favorite team.

Nobel Prize for Greed

Nobel Prize for Greed

No one is doing more than Wal-Mart to alleviate third-world poverty. They're allowing impoverished people to work in sweatshops!

The Governments Sick War on Marijuana

The Governments Sick War on Marijuana

Excuse me for a moment while I vent about the mind-boggling stupidity of the autocratic, bureaucratic, right-wing, Neanderthal numskulls who keep pushing an insane, inane, and inhumane holy war against marijuana – which is, after all, a weed.

Why We're in Iraq

Why We're in Iraq

Texas rabble-rouser Jim Hightower's latest animation tells the story of the administration's plan to open Iraqi oil to their cronies from the start.

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