Human Rights
Nobel Prize for Greed
No one is doing more than Wal-Mart to alleviate third-world poverty. They're allowing impoverished people to work in sweatshops!
Don't Tase Me Bro
University of Florida student Andrew Meyer is abducted by police for asking the wrong question while John Kerry looks on.
Toy Soldiers
Watch and spread our latest video "Toy Soldiers"—a chilling reminder of how Bush is continually treating our soldiers like toys when real lives are at stake.
The Bright Side of Death
Don't worry if Blue Cross is denying your heathcare claims.
Look on the bright side!
Why We're in Iraq
Texas rabble-rouser Jim Hightower's latest animation tells the story of the administration's plan to open Iraqi oil to their cronies from the start.
Why 2008 Matters: One Vote Away
This mashup features happy rightwingers gloating over their recent victories in getting the type of people they want appointed to the Supreme Court. It's about the JUDGES, they want the JUDGES.